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However, NBC usually doesn’t touch sensitive topics like that, but since Freaks and Geeks knew they were on their way out, they wrote it anyway. The episode handles intersexuality gently and ultimately ends up with acceptance. Judd Apatow got the idea for the episode from a Howard Stern broadcast, and decided to run with it. Related: The 5 Most Ridiculous Outfits Ever Worn Into Battle 12 The Intersex Episode Was A Middle Finger To NBC These outfits include plaid cowboy shirts, sweater vests (in an attempt to copy Neal), off brand jeans, orthopedic black dress shoes, and a beat up football jacket from the school. Bill is so unaware of his clothes that you get the feeling he doesn’t care what he wears.” The result is a lot of clothes from the irregulars bin. His family isn’t very well off, but his mother tries to dress him nice. In the show bible Feig says, “Bill’s pretty much a mess.

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