I was like 15 and playing an instrument in the “worship band” for the most popular “youth group” in the area (which is a verrry Christian area). That combined with her regular, not religious abuse has left me struggling a lot with my religiosity.
Not allowed to say 'damn' because it's an affront to God My rare genetic condition was part of God's plan and I'd understand some day Scientists should not be trusted under any circumstances Harry Potter was an absolute no because witchcraft is an affront to God Hollywood is operated by Satan so I wasn't allowed to watch movies or shows (especially Disney) I was a d**khead because my dad got me fully vaccinated as a child and that is against God's plan I wasn't allowed to feel pride in my accomplishments because it's a sin Not allowed to believe in the Easter Bunny because it was also a hand of Satan trying to corrupt me away from Jesus. Santa was actually a hand of Satan trying to corrupt me Not allowed to believe in Santa because that takes credit away from God. She instilled some serious shame into me under the guise of God.